Kindergarten Registration and Screening

Image of little girl holding "My 1st Day of K" sign

Kindergarten is an exciting time for our youngest learners and their families. Our elementary school works hard to make our newest additions to the Van Buren family feel welcomed and prepared for the journey ahead.

2025-26 Kindergarten Registration & Screening Important Dates

  • Age Requirement: To qualify for the following school year, students must be five years old on or before August 1.

  • Registration Scheduling for Screening Available From: February 17, 2024 - February 28, 2025

  • Screening Date: Monday, March 10, 2025

  • Screening Location: Van Buren High School Auditorium - Please enter using the auditorium entrance

Registration and Screening Information


  • Schedule a screening appointment here. When signing up online, please include your child's birthday and address in the optional comments section. If you need assistance, please contact the Van Buren Elementary office at 419-299-3416 between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.

    • This registration/screening is only for in-district residents. Those gaining possible acceptance through open enrollment will have a scheduled time at a later date and will still need to complete kindergarten registration with their home district.

    • Age Requirement: To qualify for the following school year, students must be five years old on or before August 1.

    • Parents must sign up for registration/screening so that we may have an accurate count of our incoming class size for the upcoming year and set bus routes in a timely fashion.


  • Complete the digital registration paperwork on FinalForms here. Directions on creating a FinalForms account and registering a student can be found here. If you have older students already enrolled in the district, please use the same parent account you already have created and skip to page two of the directions linked above to enroll your kindergarten student.

    • While FinalForms provides the option to upload required documents, please bring the following documents to the scheduled screening appointment:

      • Child's Birth Certificate

      • Legal Guardian's State-Issued ID

      • Actual Dates of Immunizations

      • Custody Papers (if applicable)

      • Proof of Residency (utility bill or land deed in your name)


  • Attend your screening appointment on Monday, March 10 at the Van Buren High School Auditorium

    • At the screening appointment, students will progress through a series of centers accommodating speech, hearing, language, and vision development.

    • Don't forget to bring the following required documents to your screening appointment:

      • Child's Birth Certificate

      • Legal Guardian's State-Issued ID

      • Actual Dates of Immunizations

      • Custody Papers (if applicable)

      • Proof of Residency (utility bill or land deed in your name)

Immunization Information

  • Please be advised of the necessary immunization requirements: DTaP/DTP – 5 doses, Polio – 4 doses, MMR – 2 doses, Hepatitis B – 3 doses, and 2 doses of the Varicella vaccine or a letter from your doctor with verification that your child has had the disease.

  • For more information on immunizations, please contact the Hancock County Health Department at 419-424-7869. Please call for a clinic appointment. You are encouraged to do this as soon as possible as summer clinics tend to be very busy.


Please click on the link below to access additional kindergarten resources including the screening and summer activity packets for incoming K students!