Program Information
We need you to fill out the sign-up sheet that is attached, each week, so we know we have enough. THIS IS IMPORTANT! The sign-up will be sent on the Thursday before the new week. We have limited staff and a large expected turnout so we need to use these guidelines. If you/your older child is volunteering, please fill out this sign-up and add volunteer beside your name.
Below is the calendar. In the event of sickness or an unforeseen event we may have to change a day. This is just a precaution. Please read your emails from us.
Please have your child bring a WATER BOTTLE with their name on it.
The door (#13 in the playground area) to the library (Elem) will be locked after all the kids are inside. If you are late please knock or let us know. If you need early pick-up, no problem, just let us know ahead of time.
Kids that are not enrolled at VB, younger siblings, Pre-K, or needs assistance need to be accompanied by an adult.
Kids that have special attention and/or accommodations will need their adult as well.
There will NOT be snacks at this program. If your child has a special medical need, please provide it.
We'll do incentive prizes once a week, not daily.
Don't forget to sign-up to present a special skill, hobby, job, etc. - you can sign up here!
If for some reason you cannot sign up or it is last minute, you are still welcome, please just email troutson@vbschools.net.
Please make sure your kids bring their reading sheets, so they can cash in their minutes for prizes. Please also make sure they bring back any books they have checked out this summer.
If you are unable to attend this week and your kids need to return their books, we will likely be in the building July 31 and August 1 to clean up. Please set-up a time with Mrs. Routson to return these items.