VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES OF THE WEEK - If students are looking for something to do over break, 50 North needs some volunteers to help rake leaves for local senior citizens. See this opportunity and others by visiting bit.ly/VBLearnMore and clicking Volunteer Opportunities.
Last week, our student council members went to volunteer at Feed-A-Child. They got to pack meals for students and those packages will be shipped out soon to those in our community! #BeABlackKnight
This week's Joust About Careers episode features the 10-minute highlights of the interview with 2015 VB graduate Brianna (Orchard) McAlister, a registered dietitian who currently works as a nutritionist for Community Action Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts.
If these highlights make you want to learn more about Brianna's career journey, you can check out the full interview on YouTube at bit.ly/JoustAboutCareers or listen to full interviews on your favorite podcast platform by searching Joust About Careers.
Have a great week!
Congrats to our newest Positive Behavior Referrals!
Congrats to our newest Positive Behavior Referrals!
October was another busy but successful month for students as they explored opportunities that will help them make informed decisions about their post-high school lives.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our students!
The VBHS senior class trip to Chicago was a success! Thanks to all who made it happen! #vbchi24 #BeABlackKnight
Congrats to Zara, Brayleigh, Kori, & Paxton for their Positive Behavior Referrals!
The latest episode of the Joust About Careers podcast features Brianna (Orchard) McAlister, a 2015 Van Buren graduate who is a registered dietician who currently works as a nutritionist for Community Action Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts. In the interview, Bree shares how a typical day in her position looks, the differences between being a dietitian and a nutritionist, the many career options in this field, and much more.
To watch on YouTube, visit bit.ly/JoustAboutCareers or bit.ly/VBLearnMore. To listen on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or other podcast platforms, search Joust About Careers.
Have a great week!
Congratulations to the 2023 Van Buren NHS inductees! #BeABlackKnight
Volunteer Opportunities of the Week! Learn more at bit.ly/VBLearnMore - click Volunteer Opportunities.
Congrats to Rue for her Positive Behavior Referral!
If you would like your students to learn more about any of the following career options, here are some upcoming EXPLORING Post Meetings they can attend:
Dentistry - Doty Dental - Monday, November 13 @ 5:30 P.M. at 811 S. Main St., Findlay
Healthcare - Mercy Health Tiffin Hospital - Tuesday, November 14 @ 5:30 P.M. at 45 St. Lawrence Drive, Tiffin
IT (Information Technology) - Marathon - Wednesday, November 15 @ 6:00 P.M. at 539 S. Main St., Findlay (park in the visitor lot and check in in the lobby)
Engineering - Marathon - Thursday, November 16 @ 6:00 P.M. at 539 S. Main St. (park in the visitor lot and check in in the lobby)
There are also opportunities in Law Enforcement with the Hancock County Sheriff's Office, Aviation with the City of Findlay Airport, Fire/EMS with Bath Township Fire Department in Lima (a more local program will hopefully be coming soon), another healthcare opportunity with Lima Memorial Hospital, and more!
All of these are great opportunities to learn about careers so you can make informed decisions about your future, and it is never too late to join.
If you have questions or want to learn more, please reach out to Alex Patterson, the local EXPLORING leader, at alex.patterson@scouting.org or 419-422-4356 ext. 125.
Please plan to join VBMS, as we honor our Van Buren Veterans at our 2nd annual Veterans Day Event! This event is open to the community and will be held in the auditorium. In addition to honoring our amazing veterans, we will also have a replica of the Vietnam Memorial wall on display!
It's Election Day! We encourage all to exercise their civic duty!
Congrats to Addison, Blaire, and Ellie for their Positive Behavior Referrals!
This week's Joust About Careers episode features the 10-minute highlights of the interview with 2019 VB graduate Megan Muzy, a merchandise associate with the Atlanta Braves and coach for the Georgia Tech competitive figure skating team. If these highlights make you want to learn more about Megan's career journey, you can check out the full interview on YouTube at bit.ly/JoustAboutCareers or listen to full interviews on your favorite podcast platform by searching Joust About Careers.
Have a great week!
We are in immediate need of a full-time custodian and multiple full-time bus drivers. Not sure what driving a bus entails? Not sure how to get your license? We will guide you through the entire process! Apply at https://bit.ly/VBemployment
Congrats to our students for more Positive Behavior Referrals!
Happy Halloween! 🎃
3rd graders did some extreme pumpkining today!