Join our team as a part-time payroll specialist! Apply at
over 1 year ago, Van Buren Schools
Join Our Team as a Part-Time Payroll Specialist
Volunteer Opportunities of the Week - Students can visit, click Volunteer Opportunities, and follow the directions found there to get involved, have a positive impact on the community, and earn hours toward the Community Service seal.
over 1 year ago, Brian Bratt
8.25.23 Volunteer Opportunities of the Week
Volunteer Opportunity of the Week - Visit, click Volunteer Opportunities, and follow the directions there. LifeWise Academy representatives will also be available to answer questions at Opening Knight on Wednesday, August 23.
over 1 year ago, Brian Bratt
Volunteer Opportunity - LifeWise Academy
We are in need of immediate bus drivers. Not sure what driving a bus entails? Not sure how to get your license? We will guide you through the entire process! Learn more or apply here:
over 1 year ago, Van Buren Schools
Bus Drivers Needed
Kona Ice will be at Opening Knight/Open House on Wednesday, August 23rd from 3-7PM! #BeABlackKnight
over 1 year ago, Michael Newcomer/Van Buren Elementary
Volunteer Opportunity of the Week - To participate, visit, click Volunteer Opportunities, and follow the directions there.
over 1 year ago, Brian Bratt
8.7.23 Volunteer Opportunity
Are you planning to do some school supply shopping this weekend during Ohio's Sales Tax Holiday? Grades K-5: School supply lists can be found at Grades 6-8: School supply lists can be found at High School: Any supplies required above and beyond the standard supplies (notebooks/folders/binders, writing utensils, paper, etc.) will be communicated to students the first week of school by the individual teacher.
over 1 year ago, Van Buren Schools
Sales Tax Holiday August 4-6
Mark your calendars for Opening Knight! Elementary students can meet their teachers and drop off supplies between 5 and 7 PM on Aug. 23. The school will be open to middle and high school students from 3 to 6 PM. Further details will be disseminated by principals as the event gets closer. #BeABlackKnight
over 1 year ago, Van Buren Schools
Opening Knight August 23
If your child will require bus transportation for the 2023-24 school year, please complete the Transportation Information Form in FinalForms by Tuesday, August 8th.
over 1 year ago, Van Buren Schools
Bus Transportation Forms Due
Volunteer Opportunity of the Week - To participate, visit, click Volunteer Opportunities, and follow the directions there.
over 1 year ago, Brian Bratt
7.31.23 Volunteer Opportunity
Volunteer Opportunity of the Week - To participate, visit, click Volunteer Opportunities, and follow the directions there.
over 1 year ago, Brian Bratt
7.21.23 Volunteer Opportunity of the Week
"SAVE THE DATE" Senior Class Trip - Class of 2024 (students and parents, see email for additional information). #VBchi24 #BeABlackKnight
over 1 year ago, Kevin Shoup
Join our team as a custodian, full-time bus driver, or substitute bus driver! Learn more here:
over 1 year ago, Van Buren Schools
Join Our Team - Custodian and Bus Drivers
Our north parking lot project continues to progress! To stay up to date on this project visit
over 1 year ago, Van Buren Schools
Under Construction - Parking Lot
We are in need of a Full Time Bus Mechanic. Learn more here:
over 1 year ago, Van Buren Schools
Full Time Bus Mechanic
The elementary is looking for a few individuals to assist as lunch/recess monitors for the 23-24 school year. This will be for 2 hours a day between 11-1 every day Monday-Friday of the school year. Please email Mr. Newcomer ( if interested!
over 1 year ago, Michael Newcomer/Van Buren Elementary
Volunteer Opportunity - THIS WEEKEND! Students, summer boredom hopefully hasn't arrived yet, but if it has, volunteering at the Flag City Invitational Swim Meet would be a great way to fight boredom and earn service hours toward the Community Service seal.
over 1 year ago, Brian Bratt
Volunteer Opportunity - Flag City Swim Invitational
JOIN OUR TEAM - We are accepting applications for our District Treasurer/CFO position.
over 1 year ago, Kevin Shoup
Volunteer Opportunity of the Week! - Flag City Balloon Fest - Visit
over 1 year ago, Brian Bratt
BalloonFest Volunteer  Opportunity
May Career Development Successes!
over 1 year ago, Brian Bratt
May VB Career Development Successes