Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe...Be A Black Knight!
Phone: 419-299-3416 | Fax 419-299-3566
Principal: Mr. Michael Newcomer | School Counselor: Mrs. Cheri May | Secretary: Mrs. Denise Bowman

Tardy bell rings @ 7:55 AM and dismissal @ 3:05 PM
Don't forget to sign up (CLICK HERE) for text alerts for the upcoming year! (Choose SCHOOL not STAFF alerts)
Stop It Reporting tool: Hear something? See something? Say something! We need to work together to keep Van Buren safe! (Access Code: SAFEVBES)
Class Supply Lists: Click here to view on
Important Dates
Aug. 26, 2021-New Student Registration-9AM-5PM
Aug. 27, 2021-New Student Orientation (New Summer Move-In Only)-10AM
Sept. 1, 2021-Open House-5:00-7PM
Sept. 7, 2021-First Day of School for 1st-5th
Sept. 13, 2021-First Day of School for Kindergarten
*When registering a student please bring in birth certificate, up to date vaccination records, social security card, and proof or residence (utility bill, proof of sale, or rental agreements..see more details below for proof of residency) along with any other pertinent information you feel the school needs to be aware of.
Parent/Community Involvement
The goal of Van Buren School District is to "Continually foster and develop partnerships between area educational institutions, businesses, and community organizations to develop plans for community outreach and continue to improve school and community communications."