VBHS Modified Hybrid Announcement

Dear Student and Parents: October 9, 2020

I want to thank you all for your continued cooperation and patience as we go about this unique school year. We are tremendously proud of what our staff, students, and community are currently accomplishing in the classroom, on the athletic fields/courts, as well as throughout the community. Thank you again for your role in this process. 

As you have likely seen, with the success of our current reopening plans, we are excited for the opportunity to shift our hybrid schedule to a modified hybrid schedule. This will allow us the opportunity for all students in the district (Group A and Group B) to return to campus on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesdays will be designated for remote learning days in which students will not be required to attend (details on back). The  school day for high school students will continue to be 8:00 am to 12:45 pm. We will begin our modified hybrid on Monday, October 19th. 

Additional details and information as it pertains to Van Buren High School specifically. 

  • Arrival/ Dismissal

    • School Transportation

      • Arrival: 

        • Students must wear masks on the bus and have their temperature taken prior to entering the building at  “Auditorium Lobby” (door #9)

      • Departure: 

        • HS Students relying on school transportation will remain in the building and will be supervised and supported from 12:45 PM until 2:05 PM.  

    • Personal Transportation (Student Drivers, Walkers, or Parent Pickup): 

      • Arrival: 

        • Students may enter at 7:35 am, wearing masks, and having temperature taken

        • Students should use the crosswalk when traveling from the parking lot to the entrance 

      • Departure: 

        • Students may be dismissed from the building at 12:45 PM

        • HS Students may receive a free lunch from our Food Service Department

        • Students needing academic support from teachers may make prior afternoon arrangements with classroom teachers 

    • Study Halls / CCP Release 

      • Students will continue to be released from attendance for study halls and purposes of a CCP course.  

      • The release (Yellow form) we have on file does NOT need to be resubmitted. Students can discuss any potential revisions or conflicts with the office.  

    • Millstream Career Tech. Center  

      • We will continue to work with the administration of Millstream Career Tech. Center to minimize student conflicts while allowing appropriate time for transportation.

  • Spacing / Social Distancing / Sanitizing 

    • All occupants of the building will continue to be required to wear a mask and have temperatures taken.

    • Staff and students will be encouraged to assist with sanitizing efforts of classroom spaces and materials as well as utilizing sanitation stations throughout the building.

    • Maximum social distancing will be encouraged. In some circumstances, this may be as limited as 3 to 4 feet. 

    • Students will not be permitted to congregate in hallways or other common areas at any time 

    • Students are encouraged to continue to bring personal water bottles 

  • Remote Learning Days (Begin Wednesday, October 21st)

    • The cafeteria will be open for students to use wifi on Wednesdays 8:00am-1:00pm.  School lunch will also be served (to eat on-campus or for take-out).

    • Teachers will assign online assignments and be available for students via Zoom per the below class schedule:

      • 1st Period - 10:00 -10:30am

      • 3rd Period - 10:30 -11:00am

      • 5th Period - 11:00 -11:30am

      • 7th Period - 11:30am -12:00pm

    • Teachers will be available in the afternoons to provide additional remote assistance.  

  • Schoology 

    • Parents are encouraged to continue to monitor Schoology accounts regularly for updates, announcements, and to view student grade books for their course progress. 

    • If you have not set up your account, please see email from cschaffer@vbschools.net (Dated 9/11/20, SUBJ: Schoology Account Information & Tutorials). 

As always, your patience, flexibility, understanding, and continued support throughout this process are greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact the office with any questions you have or assistance you might need. We are here to support you in any way possible. 


Kevin Shoup 

Van Buren Local Schools

High School Principal