The Board of Education would like to share the following message with our community.

Due to Fog, Van Buren will be closed today. Tuesday, April 11. I apologize for the late notice. Out of an abundance of caution, we are closed. To many areas have really dense fog at this point.

For this week's #VBTeamTuesday we are featuring VBHS's head chef Mr. Thomas! He loves to cook and has his own DJ business, where he has played music for over 200 weddings! He says he loves the students and staff here at VB and loves that he gets to cook everyday! #BeABlackKnight

Van Buren Local Schools will be on a 2 hour delay April 12,2022 due to fog.

The April 2022 issue of The Career Scoop, the career newsletter of Van Buren Schools, is now available. This issue is focused on work opportunities for students, whether it is a first summer job for a sophomore or junior, a summer job for a senior to bridge the gap between graduation and the start of additional schooling, or a senior looking for full-time employment. There are many opportunities out there, so please scroll through to explore the options.
If you know of an employer looking for employees, please send the opportunities they are offering to bbratt@vbschools.net so all students can be made aware.
To view this issue, visit bit.ly/CareerScoop (case-sensitive) and scroll down to the April issue. VB students, if you have any questions about what you see in this issue or your post-high school plans, please feel free to set up a meeting with me (https://calendly.com/bbratt/15min) so we can talk.

Last Tuesday was our 100th day in preschool! Did you know Mr. Blum was a superhero in his spare time? He was nice enough to come and surprise our preschoolers as Zero the Hero! We have been talking about him since school started and they were all super excited to meet the real life Zero the Hero.

Happy Monday! The Interviewing People Careercast is back with the 10-minute highlights of the interview featuring Evan Haffenden, a 2006 Van Buren High School graduate who is now a Commodity Manager focused on supply chain for Accuride Corporation. In the highlights, Evan discusses how he ended up in supply chain even though it was never on his radar in high school, how much he has to travel in this career, what has been most rewarding in his career, and much more. Anyone interested in a commodity/supply chain career will find information relevant to getting started down that path in this episode, and you can always go back to watch our full interview if you would like to learn more. To watch these highlights and other episodes, visit www.bit.ly/InterviewingPeople, and enjoy the show!

Congratulations to Jacob Deiter, Carter Thomas, and Schae Deerwester for placing 2nd at districts for Outdoor Power! #BeABlackKnight

Bus #8 will be 20-30 minutes late. Sorry for the inconvenience

The Findlay-Hancock County Public Library Bookmobile will be at Van Buren on Monday, April 11, from 11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. Middle and high school students can visit the bookmobile during their lunch periods, so if students have a FHCPL card, please be sure they have their cards so they can check out books. Students can also place holds on books using the FHCPL website (www.findlaylibrary.org) and pick those up on the bookmobile as long as they identify the bookmobile as the pick-up location (they still need to have their library cards with them). Students who don't have library cards can visit the library in Findlay (206 Broadway St.) to register for a card. Parents must be present with their children and have two forms of identification (one must be a photo ID). The bookmobile will also be making stops at the school from 11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. on April 25 and May 9 & 23.

40 Book Challenge Finisher! What an accomplishment by this fabulous 5th grader — she read 40 “Just Right” books from many different genres and all before the last 9 weeks! #BeABlackKnight

If you have a student looking for summer employment, Flag City Clothing is hiring.
Students who want to gain experience in a retail setting to prepare for a future career, have worked at The Armory (the new school store) this year, or are planning to work at The Armory next year might be a good fit, but anyone 16+ is welcome to apply.
Students who are interested should e-mail amathias@pukkainc.com to learn more.

VBES is looking for an intervention specialist for the 22-23 school year! Please email Mr. Newcomer (mnewcomer@vbschools.net) to express your interest and share most recent resume!

For this week's #TBT, lets look back at Van Buren's 1990's boys baseball team! #BeABlackKnight

Congratulations to Kian, Landen, Mrs. Word's 5th grade class, Nathan, Owen, Gavin, Colton, Preethi, Kathryn, Brynn, & Wesley for their Positive Behavior Referrals!

Here is another opportunity for seniors which could either be a summer job or become full-time employment. Utility Pipeline/KNG Energy is willing to give on-the-job training, and if you look at some of the benefits, they are outstanding:
Company vehicle, tools, and fuel card
Company 401k match
Paid time off for the employee's birthday
MUCH more!
Please look at the attached flyers for more information, but seniors who are interested can call 330-498-9130 ext. 301 or email Kaitlyn Schmucker at kschmucker@utilitypipelineltd.com. They can also apply through the website - https://www.utilitypipelineltd.com/careers.
If any seniors are interested and need help with the application process, please have them set up a meeting with Brian Bratt, Career Advisor, at bit.ly/VBcareeradvising.

Bus #3 will be on a 2 hour delay due to fog.

There will be a county wide art show at the Marathon Center for the Performing Arts. It will be open until April 27th with the opening reception on April 5th from 6:30-7:30. We had 4 students receive awards. Rylee Johnson - -1st place in the 2D category. Samantha Wilcox - - 1st place in the 3D category. Brienna Hutchins - - Honorable Mention in the 2D category. Lillian Grade - - Honorable Mention in the 3D category.

The Children's Mentoring Connection is looking for Van Buren HS students currently in grades 9-11 to mentor VB Elementary students during the 2022-2023 school year.
Current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who are willing to spend up to 45 minutes once a week during the school day with an elementary student could be a great fit for this program.
How will this benefit students?
-- Students will be able to practice 21st Century Skills such as critical thinking, communication, perseverance, and collaboration.
-- Students will be able to accumulate volunteer hours toward earning their Community Service graduation seal (students need to earn two graduation seals prior to graduation).
-- Students will help an elementary student develop social skills and be better prepared for her/his upcoming school years.
-- Students will be trained to be mentors prior to the start of the 2022-2023 school year and will likely be able to apply these skills in future personal and career situations.
An informational meeting is being held on Friday, April 22, from 12:15-12:45 in the Community Room. Students are encouraged to attend the meeting to learn more and find out how they can apply to be part of the program. Nikki Hagerty from Children's Mentoring Connection Hancock County will be at the meeting to explain the mentoring process and answer questions. VB students who are currently acting as mentors will also be available to talk about the experiences they have had while mentoring.
If students would like to attend (students are welcome to bring their lunches to eat during the meeting, and if they read after lunch, their VB Reads teachers will be notified that they won't be there because of the meeting), they can visit https://bit.ly/VBCMC (case-sensitive) to indicate their intention to attend the meeting.
If you have questions, please connect with Brian Bratt, Career Advisor, at bbratt@vbschools.net or 419-299-3384 x407.

For this week's #VBTeamTuesday we are featuring Mrs. Foster, one of VB's 2nd grade teachers. She loves fishing, camping, and singing! She loves the tight-knit community of VB and how everyone is so kind and caring. #BeABlackKnight