VBHS staff, students, and parents, please check your email for recent updates and changes that will be implemented next week. Let us know of any concerns.
VBHS - Morning Greeting Meeting - Rest assured, the "Hump Day Q and A" did NOT contain any April fools pranks.
#VB1Team #VBexperience
VBHS Morning Greeting Meeting with discussion about improving our routines as we progress through April.
#VB1Team #VBexperience
VBHS Morning Greeting Meeting discussing how things are going as we enter week 3 of our online learning program.
#VB1Team #VBexperience
Family First!! We had a blast with our Morning Greeting Meeting. Today was a "Family Friday" theme. Check out our conversation. Have a great weekend Black Knights!
#VB1Team #VBexperience
Great start to the day with our Morning Greeting Meeting discussing how the Black Knights took advantage of the recent nice weather! Check it out:
Tune in tomorrow for "Family Friday"
#VB1Team #VBexperience
Check out the Morning Greeting Meeting as we conducted the "Hump Day Q and A."
#VB1Team #VBexperience
Morning Greeting Meeting - Topic, "While quarantined, if you could be any animal, what would you be and why?"
Part 1 - https://youtu.be/0d6ibhdkLis
Part 2 - https://youtu.be/yk3seOXZo0g
#VB1Team #VBexperience
Today's morning greeting meeting: https://youtu.be/GFM4AmSosRU
Topic of discussion, "During the quarantine, what TV show do you prefer to binge?"
#VB1Team #VBexperience
VBHS has been conducting a Morning Greeting meeting to get our day started. Check out today's video.
The random participant winner today required a road trip to the home of Mrs. Regutti. #VB1Team #VBexperience
Day 2 of our Morning Greeting Meeting - Staff and students, see email for link to join. Today's topic is - Despite the chaos, what has been the best part of your week? Today's random participant winner will be delivered a Tim Horton's donut and beverage #VBexperience #VB1Team
Congratulations to our winner from our first Morning Greeting Zoom conference. Junior, Grace Heitkamp was delivered Chik-Fil-A for lunch. All staff and students are encouraged to tune in again tomorrow morning at 9:45 am. #VB1Team #VBexperience
Staff and Students, please check your email for a link to our morning digital meeting through Zoom starting at 9:45 am (This is NOT required, but should be fun!). #VB1Team
Day 2 - VBHS Online Learning
In short, we would like to say THANK YOU!! The entire #VB1Team and community have been amazing in this transition. For additional detail and updates, staff, students, and parents, please see your email. Stay safe!
We are certainly faced with challenges, but there is no one I would rather go through this with than this crew. Love this team! #VB1Team
In case you forgot how amazing our food service department is, here is a little reminder! #VB1Team #VBexperience
Super busy but efficient day! Our students experienced, sophomore shadow day, CPR/AED training, taking the ACT, and an Internet Safety Course. #VB1Team #VBexperience
THANK YOU to our friends at Maranatha Bible Church for hosting our ACT testing session and providing snacks. Additionally, thanks to our Academic Boosters and generous donors for providing breakfast and cookies! #VB1Team #VBexperience
Amazing performance last night for our Spring Band Concert. These kids are extremely talented! #VB1Team #VBexperience