Your Van Buren Middle School daily announcements for 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Start your own chain reaction!


  • Thursday 10/17: SPIRIT WEEK: VBMS in the HOUSE (Wear your HOUSE COLORS), FB @ McComb (5pm)
  • Friday 10/18: SPIRIT WEEK VB SUPER SPIRIT, Pep Rally (2:45pm) 


  • Group A (recess - lunch):  Blue & Yellow Houses (Advisories:  Obenour, Dishong, Miller, Bunn, Hafner, Marshall, Greer)
  • Group B (lunch - recess):  Green & Red Houses (Advisories:  Tuccillo, O'Brien, Rodman, Doxsey, Hosler, Sines, Henry)  
    • *** Remember:  No recess on block days!
  • Menu: Pizza, Scooby Snacks, Salad, Asst. Fruit, Milk

SPIRIT WEEK:  Show your BLACK KNIGHT SPIRIT!!!  Remember that we still should follow our school dress code.

  • Thursday 10/17:  Battle of the Classes - dress according to hallway theme
  • Friday 10/18:  VB Super Spirit!!!

Do you enjoy creative writing? Do you like winning prizes? In a 100 words you will need to write a mini saga, to tell a thrilling tale that answers the question of what would happen if Planet Earth became contaminated.  If you are interested in entering a creative writing contest please see Miss Burden in the library during the high school lunch period or 8th period for an entry form.

God's Knights returns!  All middle students are invited to join Adam Borsay and Kat Patterson during lunch for God's Knights TODAY and every Thursday. We will be spending time together, sharing about our weeks and lifting one another up. This will be a time of encouragement in your day! We hope to see you there! The Middle School will meet in Mr. Bunn's room every Thursday - bring your lunch!

LAST CALL FOR LOCKER SHELVES!! ~ See Mrs.Obenour and bring your $1 rental/donation for Pennies for Patients/LLS during Home Base to get your shelf for this year. There is a video tutorial on Mrs. Obenour's Moodle page to assist you with installation if you need it. 

Follow VBMS on Facebook and Twitter: @VanBurenMS

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