Mr. Marshall shared with 7th grade parents a link to a Google File where he will be uploading pictures all week while we are at camp. That file is empty now, but late next Monday night, there will be hundreds of pictures from the day. Some are good, some are blurry, but we will try to get at least one pic of everyone every day.
Our students will be getting their camp shirts on Friday. We would like everyone to wear those on Monday morning. WARNING!! They are 100% cotton. Don't wash and dry them on high heat because they could shrink.
Remember, we will be meeting in the Weight Room. It is helpful if the kids can be dropped off rather than ride the bus. It is easier for them, but riding the bus is just fine if that's what you need. You are welcome to come give them those last minute hugs.
Please follow the medication packing plan that was in the informational packet you got at the parent meeting or from your child the week following the meeting if you could not attend.
Make sure that your child packs their lunch and their toiletries in their backpack. Backpacks stay with the kids and do not go through the heat box.
Please follow the packing plan for clothing and bedding so that everything can be heated to prevent bed bugs at camp and from coming home to you.
We will be sending a paper with a weather forecast home with the kids on Friday along with their shirt.
Here's a copy of the informational packet if you need it.
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