Your Van Buren Middle School daily announcements for 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Start your own chain reaction!


  • Tuesday, October 29: 7th grade @ Camp Nuhop, Senior Citizen Luncheon (10:45am), BKMB @ Findlay Halloween Parade
  • Wednesday, October 30: Block Schedule, 7th grade @ Camp NuHop, No advisory- students with grade level teams (1:48 - 3:05pm)
  • Thursday, October 31: 7th grade @ Camp Nuhop, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
  • Friday, November 1: End of First Quarter, 7th grade returns from Camp Nuhop (2:30pm)


  • Group A (recess - lunch):  Blue & Yellow Houses (Advisories:  Obenour, Dishong, Miller, Bunn, Hafner, Marshall, Greer)
  • Group B (lunch - recess):  Green & Red Houses (Advisories:  Tuccillo, O'Brien, Rodman, Doxsey, Hosler, Sines, Henry)  
    • *** Remember:  No recess on block days!
  • Menu: Hot Dog Bar, Baked Beans, Candied Yams, Asst. Fruit, Milk

Lost Lunch boxes and water bottles have been put out in the cafeteria.  Please take a minute to claim your items.  Also, the lost and found in the office has a lot of nice sweatshirts and pullovers....are you missing any of yours?  If so, stop in the office to look.  Clothing and other misc. items will be put out during parent conferences in November.

God's Knights returns!  All middle students are invited to join Adam Borsay and Kat Patterson every Thursday for God's Knights!  This will be a time of encouragement in your day! We will meet in Mr. Bunn's room, bring your lunch.  We hope to see you there! 

Follow VBMS on Facebook and Twitter: @VanBurenMS

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