VBMS Daily Announcements 10/08/2020

Your Van Buren Middle School Daily Announcements for Thursday, October 8, 2020

   True Story Thursday!

As I walked through the parking lot, all I could think about was the dire diagnosis I had handed my patient Jimmy: pancreatic cancer. Just then, I noticed an elderly gentleman handing tools to someone working under his stalled car. That someone was Jimmy. “Jimmy, what are you doing?” I yelled out. Jimmy dusted off his pants. “My cancer didn’t tell me not to help others, Doc,” he said, before waving at the old man to start the car. The engine roared to life. The old man thanked Jimmy and drove off. Then Jimmy got into his car and took off as well. Take-home message: Kindness has no limits and no restrictions. –Mohammed Basha, Gainesville, Florida


  • Thursday 10/8:  Group B on-campus; FB @ Leipsic (5pm)
  • Friday 10/9:  Group B on-campus
  • Saturday 10/10:  XC @ Fostoria(9am)


General Tso's Chicken, Fried Rice, Broccoli, Asst. Fruit, Milk

  • Lunch Count/Staff Lunch Order
  • All  students are eligible to receive free school lunches (a regular lunch) as a result of the federal school lunch program waiver made possible through the CARES act. Additionally, any students purchasing a regular school lunch since the start of the school year will have that lunch cost refunded to their lunch account in the coming weeks.

MASKED LIP SYNC BATTLE... Homebases will challenge each-other during our MASKED lip sync battle! Winner will enjoy Fort Findlay donuts!!!


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