VBMS Daily Announcements 10/13/2020

Your Van Buren Middle School Daily Announcements for Tuesday, October 13, 2020.


What is the national animal of Scotland?


  • Tuesday 10/13: Group A on campus
  • Wednesday 10/14: Group A on campus
  • Thursday 10/15: Group B on campus, VB@ Donnell (4:30 pm), FB vs. McComb (5pm)
  • Friday 10/16: Group B on campus
  • Saturday 10/17:  XC @ BVC Championships (9am)


Homemade Chicken & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Sweet Carrots, Asst. Fruit, Milk

  • Lunch Count/Staff Lunch Order
  • All  students are eligible to receive free school lunches (a regular lunch) as a result of the federal school lunch program waiver made possible through the CARES act. Additionally, any students purchasing a regular school lunch since the start of the school year will have that lunch cost refunded to their lunch account in the coming weeks.

Friends of Rachel is back for the 2020-2021 school year!  7th and 8th graders who were a part of the club last year should look for an email from Mr. Hafner with information regarding this year. Old and new members will be required to complete the application linked with the email. If you would like to join Friends of Rachel or have any questions please email Mr. Hafner (bhafner@vbschools.net) 

Calling all science lovers! Science Olympiad is gearing up to start the 2020-21 season! If you are interested in applying to join the team, please complete the form found here. Science Olympiad is open to all middle school students interested in chemistry, space, biology, physics, and more! Questions? Email Mrs. Hosler (mhosler@vbschools.net

LUNCH UPDATE...We hope to shift to using the cafeteria for lunch soon, however we will need assigned seats.  Think about 1-3 other students in your grade level (on-campus) who you might want to sit nearby.  We'll make choices very soon!

Student & Staff pictures will be taken on Tuesday, October 20th.  Picture packets are available outside the office.  Parents may order pictures before Picture Day online at mylifetouch.com using our Picture Day ID: EVT4GFZBK.  All students will be photographed regardless if pictures are being purchased.  Students not at school on October 20th will be photographed on Tuesday, October 27th.


Follow VBMS on Facebook and Twitter: @VanBurenMS

#VB1Team     #VBexperience     #seizethedayVBMS

Unscrambled Today's Trivia Answer:  rucnoin