Seventh grade families: Check out the details for Friday's Camp Day at the state park (also emailed to parents)...
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Excellent concert tonight 7th and 8th grade student-musicians!!! #VB1Team #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
What better way to study probability than to design a game, then calculate it? #VB1Team #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Come check out what Middle School Cheer is all about!!! When:  May 19th and 20th 5:00-7:30pm a MS cheer clinic will be held in the High School gym  Who:  Any incoming 7th and 8th graders who are interested in supporting the Middle School football and basketball teams What:  Varsity Coach Lydia Brown has supplied videos of the cheers we will be learning (look up Camrie Roberts on YouTube and go to videos). These cheers will be taught on Wednesday and Thursday At 7pm on Thursday, May 20th, a "performance" will be done for parents of what was learned.  Following that performance, there will be a short meeting about how Middle Cheer works and the costs of the program. 
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Current 5th graders... a reminder that our Welcome to VBMS family meeting is Tuesday 5/18 at 6pm in the auditorium. We are planning on a 30-45 minute meeting. #VB1team #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
6th Family Mtg
Best of luck to Maddie, who will compete in the Power of the Pen state tournament this weekend!!! You've got this! #VB1team #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Great job sixth graders at today's elementary track meet! #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Local Schools
Woohoo!!! We're wrapping up testing this week! VBMS students will take the MAP tests this week. On-campus students will take them Tuesday and Wednesday morning. VLA students will take the tests Friday morning. Let's charge those Chromebooks and power up with breakfast!
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
The Ohio Middle Level Association presented 8th grader Henry Thomas with the middle level student of the year award today. Henry's initiative with our Friends of Rachel club and their pantry has impacted our school community and beyond. Congratulations Henry! #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
The 16th annual VBMS talent show is June 2. Unfortunately, we will not be able to have guests in-person, but a video option is being explored. Students and staff: Share your talent! Complete the act form (across from Mrs. Keeran's office) and return by 5/26. #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Congratulations Mr. Hafner on being awarded regional recognition at today's Ohio Middle Level Association conference. Mr. Hafner was recognized for the farm to table initiative. Way to go Mr. Hafner!!! #VB1Team #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Our 7th graders are learning self-care strategies today. Thanks to our partners at Family Resource Center for helping us support our students! #BeABlackKnight #VB1Team
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Here we go! VBMS 8th grade students will take the science Ohio State Tests this week. On-campus students will take them Tuesday and Wednesday morning. VLA students will take the tests Friday morning. Let's charge those Chromebooks and power up with breakfast!
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
What's for lunch for May and June? #VB1team #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
DODGE, DUCK, DIP, DIVE.......and DODGE It's Dodgeball Time! We are excited to let you know we are bringing Dodgeball back for FRIDAY, MAY 28. We would love to have a great turnout. This is for a wonderful cause, as all money goes to the Jennifer Masters Scholarship. Please consider putting a team together, but act quick! The form is available online and has all of the information needed. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Heitkamp. He will have forms available as well. #VB1team #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Our VBMS Science Olympiad team placed 26th (out of 42 teams) at the state competition - special congratulations to Veer who placed 6th in machines as well as Abhinaya and Sadie who placed 7th in Ornithology! Great job, team!!! #BeABlackKnight #VB1Team
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Local Schools
We got this! VBMS students will take the math Ohio State Tests this week. On-campus students will take them Tuesday and Wednesday morning. VLA students will take the tests Friday morning. Let's charge those Chromebooks and power up with breakfast!
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Got this
We had a BALL with today's lunch challenge! Make this a terrific weekend, Black Knights!!! #BeABlackKnight #VB1team
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Let's ATTACK the week!!! VBMS students will take the reading Ohio State Tests this week. On-campus students will take them Tuesday and Wednesday morning. VLA students will take the tests Friday morning. Let's charge those Chromebooks and power up with breakfast!
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
This week's Friday lunch challenge was a popular one! Have a great weekend, Black Knights!!! #BeABlackKnight #VB1Team
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Middle School