K-5 Mini Cheer Clinic Sign-up Opportunity!

Reminder! Sign-ups for the 5th grade-only STEM Club opens tomorrow at 6 PM!

Wear your International Knight shirts tomorrow (Wednesday, March 27) and get excited for International Knight in the High School gym from 5:30-8:00!!!

New shirts are available to purchase for this year’s International Knight event! Forms came home this week!

Congrats to Raelyn for her Positive Behavior Referral!

5th grade Chick-fil-A for a day reps, Alivia, Adrian, and Josh, hard at work representing VB! Come out and support them and VB until 7 tonight!

5th grade Chick-fil-A for a day reps, Alivia, Adrian, and Josh, hard at work representing VB! Come out and support them and VB until 7 tonight!

For those signed up for STEM Club...due to today's cancellation, we are moving today's session to after school on Friday, Jan. 26th.

Give the gift of STEM! Our next Van Buren Elementary STEM club will be the week of January 22nd. Registration will open this Wednesday, December 13th at 6:00 pm. with a limited 16 spots per class. Visit our website for more information: Van Buren Elementary STEM Club
Register HERE on Dec. 13th at 6PM!

Congrats to Conner & Etta for getting the 1st Positive Behavior Referrals of the school year!

Kona Ice will be at Opening Knight/Open House on Wednesday, August 23rd from 3-7PM! #BeABlackKnight

Are you planning to do some school supply shopping this weekend during Ohio's Sales Tax Holiday?
Grades K-5: School supply lists can be found at https://5il.co/20mu4
Grades 6-8: School supply lists can be found at https://5il.co/20yiy
High School: Any supplies required above and beyond the standard supplies (notebooks/folders/binders, writing utensils, paper, etc.) will be communicated to students the first week of school by the individual teacher.

Mark your calendars for Opening Knight! Elementary students can meet their teachers and drop off supplies between 5 and 7 PM on Aug. 23. The school will be open to middle and high school students from 3 to 6 PM. Further details will be disseminated by principals as the event gets closer. #BeABlackKnight

Join our team as a custodian, full-time bus driver, or substitute bus driver! Learn more here: vbschools.net/page/employment

Our north parking lot project continues to progress! To stay up to date on this project visit https://bit.ly/23parkingproject

We are in need of a Full Time Bus Mechanic. Learn more here: vbschools.net/page/employment

The elementary is looking for a few individuals to assist as lunch/recess monitors for the 23-24 school year. This will be for 2 hours a day between 11-1 every day Monday-Friday of the school year. Please email Mr. Newcomer (mnewcomer@vbschools.net) if interested!

Congrats to our 5th grade graduates...good luck in Middle School!

More Positive Behavior Referrals!

Congrats on retirement Miss Breitigam...we'll miss you!