More Positive Behavior Referrals!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Big thanks to the PTO for planning a week of fun for our staff! The coffee truck was a great way to start the week off in the elementary!

Congtats to Nick & Parker for their Positive Behavior Referrals!

Congrats to Lydia, Laura, Sophie, Mari, and Parker for having their OSLN design challenge win in regionals and participating in the State Competition!

Great day for Knights of the Round Table outside and some more Positive Behavior Referrals!

Thanks for another great Art & Music Extravaganza!

Thanks for another great Art & Music Extravaganza!

Thanks for another great Art & Music Extravaganza!

Thanks for another great Art & Music Extravaganza!

Thanks for another great Art & Music Extravaganza!

More Positive Behavior Referrals!

Congrats to Mari on her award winning illustration!

Congratulations to Ben for his 2 Positive Behavior Referrals and Mrs. Basinger's class for their referral!

Congrats to Clayton & Louden for winning shirts from the VBHS Armory!

Congrats to Scarlet on her Positive Behavior Referral!

Congrats to Logan for his Positive Behavior Referral!

Congrats to our Positive Behavior Referrals!

We are in immediate need of bus drivers (both full-time and as substitutes). If you would like to learn more about the process of becoming a bus driver, please contact Jon Kelley at jkelley@vbschools.net or apply at https://bit.ly/VBemployment #BeABlackKnight

Reminder that candy bar sales in the elementary are ending this week. Today (April 12) is the last day chocolate will be sent home for those requesting and all money should be turned in tomorrow and Friday! Thanks for the support!

Congrats to Sam & Lilybeth for their Positive Behavior Referrals!