8th grade families: A reminder that payment #2 is due Friday 1/17/2020 to Prodigy Student Travel for the Washington, DC trip. #VBexperience #VB1team #seizethedayVBMS

Go HOG WILD for VBMS academic clubs! #VBexperience #VB1team

Rachel's Pantry will be a year-long event, and a competition ranging every quarter. The competition will be a clash between the grades, with collection boxes in their respective hallways. With every can or boxed food item giving +1 point to every grade. The winning grade will get a technology pass in Homebase, allowed to use phones or watch YouTube.
If you are in need of food or snacks for home or lunch, go to Mr. Hafner's moodle page and find Rachel's Pantry in the Useful Links at the top left of the page.

In a first of a series, enjoy our Staff Spotlight on Mrs. Dishong, brought to you by Friends of Rachel. #VBexperience #VB1team

6th graders put their math skills to the test as they determined who killed Mr. Pemdas. #VB1Team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS

Eighth graders wrap up their first semester career exploration with seminar, which will include creating a digital portfolio focused on professional skills, their exploration experiences, and service. #VB1team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS

Our Agriculture and Nature Resources class is focusing on food safety - they realized the importance of proper hand-washing, keeping utensils clean, and properly cleaning work areas when cooking! #VB1team #seizethedayVBMS #VBexperience

When in Rome...
In addition to visiting Rome (virtually), seventh graders tested their aquaduct projects today. #VBexperience #VB1team #seizethedayVBMS

Need a quiet place to study? No wi-fi at home? Need help with your homework? Come to Study Tables! Open to all middle school students, Wednesdays after school from 3:05-4:00pm in Mrs. Sines's classroom (room 306). NJHS members will be available to assist with homework questions.

Congratulations to VBMS's own Mrs. Tinman on winning the #VB1team staff ugly sweater contest! Better yet, all proceeds will benefit Flag City Honor Flight!!! #seizethedayVBMS #VBexperience

Happy holidays to all VBMS families!!! Please have a safe and enjoyable break reconnecting with family.
Winter break begins Monday 12/23/19. Classes resume Thursday 1/2/20.
#VB1team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS

Our advisories wrapped up their classroom design challenge with house competitions today. Some insightful design ideas!!! Design challenge #3 starts soon after break. #VB1team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS #MyOhioClassroom

Our seventh grade team made Christmas much brighter for an area family. Adopting a family through the Salvation Army has been the team's annual service initiative for a number of years. Thanks to all of the 7th grade families and staff for contributing! #VB1Team #VBexperience

Parents & guardians: Give your 6th graders a Christmas gift they won't expect... required 7th grade vaccinations!!! Check out the details from Hancock Public Health... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Ks4uQbqG9gVnJuNzVKSnEzdHlIVjdNTXFHWThjOEgxcXow/view?usp=sharing

Competitive spellers = a long spelling bee!
Great job all and special congratulations to our champion Agnishekar and runner-up Jamie!!!

Terrific performances tonight bands!!! #VB1Team #seizethedayVBMS #VBexperience

Tonight's band holiday concert is ON. All students are to report to the band room at 6:30. Concert begins at 7:00.

All middle school practices for today (12/17/19) are cancelled. Stay tuned for determination on tonight's band concert.

We have 32 spellers competing in the annual VBMS spelling bee Wednesday 12/18 at 1:45pm!
Guests are welcome - please check in at the MS/HS office.
Good luck spellers... our winner represents VBMS at the Hancock County bee. #VB1team #VBexperience

The only thing missing from Mrs. Rodman's Pasta Editing Restaurant were the breadsticks! Mrs. Rodman transformed her classroom and she engaged students in editing their stories with dry pasta. What a terrific #VBexperience! #VB1team #seizethedayVBMS