Advisories competed with their zip line vehicles today. Congratulations to house winners Valentia (Mrs. Rodman), Kwishi (Mr. Bunn), Hrabrost (Mrs. Sines), and Rojko (Mr. Hafner). Hrabrost had the fastest time at 5.51 seconds! #VB1team #VBexperience #MyOhioClassroom
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
8th graders are designing barrier walls to curb beach erosion, which builds on what 6th graders are learning. #VB1Team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Mrs. Hosler is spotlighted this week in Friends of Rachel's Staff Spotlight #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Congratulations to these 6th grade writers who were recognized for their entries in the Elks Americanism essay contest. Samuel and Carter's writing placed 2nd and 3rd. Jordan's essay placed first, which elevates it to the district competition. #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
We're focused on intentional kindness at VBMS during February... Monday: Compliment a teacher for their effort Tuesday: Say "good morning" to at least 5 others before 1st period Wednesday: High-five 3 people, making eye-contact and sharing a smile Thursday: Make sure to say please and thank you, show respect Friday: Hold the door for someone #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
The results are in! Out of 152 writers, Rylee placed 7th and Maggie placed 11th!!! Nice work Power of the Pen teams! #VB1Team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS #WriteOn
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Good luck to our Power of the Pen writing team as they tackle the regional competition in Sylvania!!! Thank you to our Academic Boosters for financing the trip. #VB1Team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Food insecurity is real: About 1 in 5 children in Ohio (19.6%) live in families that can't always afford enough food on their own. Rachel's Pantry is a project of our Friends of Rachel Club and the purpose is to provide food for students in need. Grade levels are in a challenge to contribute non-perishable food and toiletries. Thanks to Feed-a-Child and the Findlay Service League for their assistance with this initiative. If you are in need, go here:
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
CONGRATULATIONS Agnishekhar... Hancock County spelling bee CHAMPION!!! A first (in recent memory) for VBMS! Agnishekhar advances to the Toledo regional bee! #VB1team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Our Science Olympiad team is working hard to prepare their events - including a mousetrap car! #VB1team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad
Advisories perform tests on their ping pong zip line devices in preparation for the house event next week! #VB1team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMip
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Our 7th grade scientists have designed their own lab procedures as they study the influences of salinity, density, ocean floor topography and the Earth's rotation on ocean currents. #VB1team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Mrs. Heitkamp's fourth graders will be the subjects of children's books that students in Mr. Greer's 7th period language arts class will be writing. Today, 8th graders interviewed their fourth grade partners and will soon deliver their personalized books! #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
8th graders
8th graders
8th graders
8th graders
Staff spotlight #2 highlights Mr. Bunn... #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
6th grade science classes ROCKed the rock cycle today! #VB1Team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
"Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
The essence of #VB1team... Our 7th/8th grade ceramics class made hydroponic containers that the Farm to Table club will use to grow more produce, which is used by our food service program! #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Thanks to Friends of Rachel for canvassing VBMS with positive thoughts!!! #VB1team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Today, advisories learned about how ziplines are used as a mode of transportation in other parts of the world. Advisories will create a device to carry a ping-pong ball the distance of a fishing-line zipline. #VBexperience #VB1team #myohioclassroom
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Reminders: Thursday 1/16/2020 is the end of the 2nd quarter/1st semester Friday 1/17/2020 is a staff inservice day - no school Monday 1/20/2020 is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - no school
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School