Mr. Greer's student-authors presented individualize children's books to students in Mrs. Heitkamp's 4th grade class today. Great work, writers - they were a hit! #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Agnishekhar Basu Sarkar called tonight's board of education meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance prior to being recognized for winning the county spelling bee. Thanks to Kayla DeMuth from Hancock Public Health for sharing information on vaping with us at tonight's Community Coffee. #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Competition was FIERCE during the Oreo challenge today at lunch! 8th grader Landon was victorious!!! #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Our 8th graders are creating board games to test U.S. Constitution knowledge #VB1Team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
17.6% of 8th graders report vaping in the past year. 37.3% of HS seniors do... let's curb those numbers with facts and education! Learn more at our Community Coffee TONIGHT at 7pm. RSVP to Mrs. Keeran (
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Our vocational agriculture program has invited us to participate in FFA Spirit Week the week of February 24: Monday - Blue and Gold Tuesday - Hunting season/camo Wednesday - Jerseys and jammys Thursday - Ties and tie-dye Friday - Farmer Friday #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
The winning advisories of the Zip Line design challenge enjoyed a kickball game and fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies this afternoon. Drama and literary theme is the focus of the next challenge, which includes writing and performing a short play! #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Pennies for Patients update: Our homebases are competing for an Olive Garden lunch as we raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. In third place is Mr. Hafner's homebase while Mrs. Obenour's homebase is in 2nd place. After week 1, Mr. Henry's homebase is in first. Two more weeks, #VB1team!
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
At the next VBMS community coffee, we will hear from Kayla Demuth (Hancock Public Health) about vaping. Let's learn and work together to keep our kids healthy and safe! We will also have Q&A about the upcoming school levy. This event will take place this Thursday, (2/20) at 7pm. RSVP with Mrs. Keeran (
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
As we start the shortened week, Friends of Rachel reminds us to be kind... Tuesday: Pick up trash you see on the floor Wednesday: Put a positive sticky note on your teachers' doors Thursday: Paint kindness rocks, put them around our school Friday: Hug your friends today and tell them how much they mean to you #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Our half hog drawings are THIS FRIDAY! NJHS, quiz bowl, Power of the Pen, and Science Olympiad members are reminded that sold ticket stubs and money and/or unsold tickets are due to the office Wednesday.
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
HAPPY PRESIDENTS' DAY! Wise words from our village (and school's) namesake... plus, he has a pretty sweet hairstyle. #VB1team #VBexperience "It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didn't." - Martin Van Buren
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
CONGRATULATIONS to our December/January Noble Knights!!! Selma Brant - 6th Grade Team Selma always gives her best effort and does it with a smile on her face and a pleasant disposition.  She constantly demonstrates a positive attitude along with an "attitude of gratitude". We appreciate how hard she works each day. Lacey Bowman - 7th Grade Team Lacey has been a model student all year. She helps her classmates stay on task, participates strongly in class, and is always polite and pleasant. Great job Lacey!   Brylee Ponn - 8th Grade Team Brylee always has a positive attitude in class. She works hard and is respectful to others, which is especially clear when she mentors in the elementary school.  Many of her peers look up to her and she is a strong leader.   #VB1team #VBexperience #seizethedayVBMS
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Noble Knight
Noble Knight
Noble Knight
Seventh grade scientists investigated density, pressure, topography, and the Earth’s rotation on atmospheric currents today. #VB1team #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Attention all home bases! Do you want to win an Olive Garden Lunch of spaghetti, salad and those delicious bread sticks?! Pennies for Patients has begun! Let's make this a big win-win; help students battling cancer AND win an Olive Garden lunch! Contest going on now!! #VB1team
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
We love our Academic Boosters Bake Sales!!! The Van Buren Academic Boosters will hold a Valentine's Bake Sale Friday 2/14/20 during MS and HS lunch periods. All items are $1 and proceeds help the boosters fund academic programs and field trips.
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Bake sale
Family Resource Center is offering Parenting Education Groups, specific to children's age-ranges. 8-12 year olds: 13-19 year olds:
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Congratulations to the VBMS 8th grade girls basketball team on winning the Cory Rawson tournament today with a victory over Liberty-Benton!!! #VB1Team #seizethedayVBMS #VBexperience
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
Van Buren Schools will be delayed 2 hours tomorrow (2/6/20). Stay warm and safe!!!
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School
WARM UP at our next community coffee on Thursday, February 20 at 7pm. We will learn about vaping from Kayla Demuth, Hancock Public Health and VBS treasurer Dawn Jacobs will answer questions about the upcoming levy. RSVP today to Mrs. Keeran ( #VB1team
about 5 years ago, Van Buren Middle School